Migraine Tips and Tricks

Do migraines frequently interrupt your life? Having to hit the pause button in the middle of your day because of a sudden migraine is painful and frustrating. If you often find yourself in this position, you may be looking for quick fixes. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to control your migraine before it controls you.
One important step is to find and identify your trigger. What brings a migraine on? It can sometimes seem completely and totally random, but when you’re not in the middle of a migraine, take time to think about what could’ve caused it. By identifying some potential causes of your migraines, you can better prepare for them. Some trigger examples include menstruation, loud noises, outdoor pressure changes, and stress. One way to track these is by keeping a migraine journal.
It’s additionally important to manage your stress. Stress and lack of sleep are two major symptoms behind migraines, so when you know that you’re about to go through a stressful time, prioritize yourself. You may be a student with final exams, but making sure that you get enough sleep is better than having a migraine mid-exam. By developing effective stress management techniques and taking time to unwind, you can better manage stressful situations. Meditation or yoga are common practices when it comes to stress relief, and feeling less stressed will help you sleep better.
During a migraine, one form of treatment is to ease your senses. What does this mean? Instead of trying to fight through it, you should go lie down in a cool, dark room. Without external stimuli to exacerbate things, your body will be able to work through the migraine faster. It may also be effective to use a cold compress, either over your eyes or your forehead. This should also help you fall asleep, which is probably the most effective way to handle a migraine.
While these are helpful tips and tricks, if you are truly suffering from migraines, go see a healthcare professional. A migraine can exist by itself, but it can also be a symptom for something bigger. Either way, a doctor can put you on the path to migraine relief quicker, and that’s the goal above all.